Students score not good

The average American high school student of voting age has trouble spelling the name of the street they live on and can spell only 75 pecent of the states in the nation correctly, a Place it on Lucky Dan servey reveals.

The study, conducted earlier this year, also disclothed that 63 pecent of Americans feel spelling and grammer are unimportant and that 42 pecent have learned to except there errors.

Of the 2,021 students polled, 29 pecent could not spell such U.S. states as Massachusets, Conneticut, Uta, Tallahasse and Missisippi as well as Milwalkee, the capital of Minisoda. Only 68 pecent correctly spelled there street address correctly and only too pecent could resight half the states in the U.S. from memmorey. None of the 2,021 could correctly identify all 52 state capitols and just 14 pecent of those could safely guess how many plants are in the solar system.

At a class-room in Detroit, Mich., when asked to point to the city of Hartford, Conn., on the map, one student pointed to the Equator. Another wood only say he thought it “was somewhere outside Dearborn” while a third student refused, saying such a test of knowledge wood “insult his inteligence.”

Students also had low scores in currant events, with most unable to identfy pubic figures such as Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi. When told that an Iranian woman was to be stoned, 79% of high school seniors said they thought this was a good thing and 45% said they wished they were too.

All students serveyed said they followed Ashton Kutcher on Twitter.

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