Refried Beans? ¡oh por favor!

You don’t even need to listen to the crowd, well, you can’t. The tweet is already deleted. DeSantis supporters were so obviously chanting “refried beans” because they’re all such horrible racists, today apparently coordinated against Hispanics. They couldn’t have said “Keep Florida Free” at an event named Keep Florida Free.

But the left is running with it, suggesting Desantis make a statement condemning something that so very definitely happened that the evidence needed to be destroyed. It was so painfully obvious and obviously painful, we’ll just leave it to your imagination now.

You can hear it, can’t you? And it’s probably laced with some annoying white supremacist accent, where they lean heavy on the wrong vowel to signal to QAnon to set the whole plan in motion once the Kremlin decides the next move.

Those vile racists were thinking it, if they weren’t saying it — but they were definitely saying it. Picture yourself right now, watching the video and imagine what it would be like if it were actually true.

And was it? Of course it was. It’s so clearly articulated racism that it needs no audio support. If you can’t hear it, you can certainly sense it. And it’s so subtle you don’t even see it coming, or it’s the opposite of subtle. It’s about as understated as getting slapped in the face with a cold can of refried beans. Repeatedly. You’re imagining that right now, aren’t you? So what makes you think the rest of it isn’t true?

So who’s right, and why “refried beans?” Maybe the dress is black & blue AND white & gold? Maybe they’re both right. Maybe they were saying “Refried Free” or “Keep Florida Beans?” Without the video, I guess we’ll never know.


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