Entries by Soapy Johnson

My brother is having an affair

HIM:  What’s his wife think of that? HER:  She’s not thrilled. HIM:  I can see that. HER:  Especially when the girl is still in college. He gets all — HIM:  She’s what?? HER:  Yeah, she’s like 19 or 20. She’s in college — a sophomore, I think. HIM:  And he’s? HER:  Forty-one, two kids — […]

May a fortune cookie be your tip

Chinese restaurant. ME: I’ll have sweet and sour pork. WAITER: Please order by number. ME: Okay, number 14. WAITER: Ah, sweet and sour pork. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) August 13, 2012   More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

No stopping now, this is the playoffs

Previously ……… The starting point: Vol. 1 — Every thought is with the kid ARCHIVES: Follow Lost kittens find their way home. Updates to follow. —  Vol. 4  — Thursday, May 24, 2012 … For two people who didn’t want to go out (and I wasn’t planning on drinking), we drank angry. Jules was feeling no pain […]

And Bibby didn’t come home

Previously ……… The starting point: Vol. 1 — Every thought is with the kid ARCHIVES: Follow Lost kittens find their way home. Updates to follow. —  Vol. 3  — Flash forward — Two events which compelled me to face the keyboard again, after finding it so difficult. Tuesday night, May 22, 2012 … “Mountain lion killed in […]

Pretty sure that’s what they meant

I was just offered a six-figure deal to write a novel about my success story!! No clue where I’m going to come up with that type of money — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) April 21, 2011   More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on […]

And in third place is …

The formulas of Pabst which failed to win blue ribbons must have really been shit. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) June 3, 2012   More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

We are the chosen ones

  Previously ……… The starting point: The Unemployment Chronicles, Vol. 1 —  Vol. 5  — A week later … I had a dream where I stumbled upon these really cool rocking chairs at a Costco in Pakistan, brought them over mountains with the aid of a 900-pound mule and a old Sherpa who helped transport […]

Mini-bar sex abuse scandal

This bottle of Frangelico looks a lot like the guy who raped my friend Jerry. twitter.com/SoapyJohnson/s… — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) June 26, 2012 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

Vee have vays of making you talk

Homeowners Association, the development gestapo. “Zis tree. Ver iz your permit? And zeez pavers. Zoo need approoooval for zee pavers!” — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) August 2, 2012 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.