Entries by Soapy Johnson

Hey there, Mr. Grumpy Gills

Q.  “I think the Internet is the most dangerous thing invented since the atomic bomb,” John Mellencamp recently told Reuters. “It’s destroyed the music business. It’s going to destroy the movie business.” What is wrong with these people?  A.  John, you keep swimming when life gets you down. Sounds like Mr. Sourcrab’s been nipping at […]

Oh wait, there isn’t a monkey

This sets a bad precedent. Dodge commercial with the “Dexter” guy voicing a dry approach to just how big this tent sale is, then toss in a monkey as the kicker to show it’s even better. Silly. Funny. It’s the only reason the bit works — the monkey at the end. No monkey, no bit. Otherwise, it’s just […]

Go South, young Na’vi

Chris Bosh was fantastic in “Avatar.” twitter.com/SoapyJohnson/s… — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 20, 2013 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

As the saying goes …

Opinions are like assholes, they control expulsion of unwanted semi-solid matter produced during digestion after nutrients are extracted. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 10, 2013  More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

Pitching & Catching

This Elena Kagan softball photo thing is completely overblown. A woman who plays softball isn’t automatically a lesbian, just as being a lesbian automatically doesn’t mean you play softball — although it’s true that being a lesbian softball player automatically means you’re probably pretty good. >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on […]

That other dysfunction

If your reflection not only responds but advises you on highly personal medical concerns, erectile dysfunction is not your biggest problem. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 20, 2013 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

Courtney by any other name

Courtney Love isn’t changing her name. Good! I monogrammed her birthday gift – a vintage silk-chiffon ruffled blouse with matching vomit bib — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 20, 2013 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.