Entries by Soapy Johnson

Gas prices rapin’ everybody

“Well, obviously we have a RAPIST in Lincoln Park. He’s climbin’ in your windows, he’s snatchin’ your people up, tryin’ to rape ‘em. So y’all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause they’re rapin’ everybody out here.” The problem is, it’s not just Lincoln Park — the former Huntsville, […]

Alexander Graham Bell, typesetter

The purpose of a business card is to exchange contact information. Two hundred years ago, this would have been where you lived or worked, a note to remind people of your address in the promotion of your business. It’s been widely believed that Alexander Graham Bell had a less-than successful business card company and invented […]

Black Eyed Peas & the Genesis of Suck

Q.  How is it people can say an artist has “sold out” to their audience? Doesn’t the performer work for them in the first place? I mean, they paid the ticket price. I say, sell it all! EXPLOIT IT! Fuck that “starving artist” bullshit!!! Make sure you give it your all though. A.  I’m sure […]

Barry Bonds & head go to trial

Barry Bonds has a head so large, Barry Bonds can barely fit inside it. An even bigger man lies inside, lying to himself in an already substantial dome. There’s risk he explodes, the pressure to believe the numbers must be overwhelming. Is it any wonder he played for the Giants? When Bonds throws his hat […]

Facebook post not in fashion

George Paxman  Strange night. Went to a club and some a-hole with a massive diamond earring starts flirting up one of the dancers and this really pissed off the bartender. He comes sailing across the bar and it’s on — punches flying, chairs smashing and then the idiot starts shooting — it was crazy, it […]

Abbreviate at your own risk

Federal Express now FedEx, Pizza Hut is “The Hut.” Radio Shack – “The Shack” and YMCA, simply “The Y.” I’m really worried about Fuddruckers. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 24, 2013 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

WikiLeaks doubles down; releases Nostradamus sports picks for May 1st, 2011

Another Nostradamus-related WikiLeaks document drop has historians as well as the gambling public scurrying for insight into how accurate and reliable the noted French profit was as a handicapper of modern-day sporting events, many that hadn’t existed during his lifetime. Today’s release is notable in that it contains picks for events which have not taken place. WikiLeaks founder Julian […]

Felony breaking and entering

Gave the bird house its annual late winter cleaning and removed the nest that had been previously built. About 10 minutes later, a chickadee flew up and took a look inside. It was either thinking, “cool, nice place. If nobody else is using it, I might live here.” Or … “Honey!! Call 9-1-1!! We’ve been […]


When I watch a film based on a true story, I first try to find a documentary on the subject to establish a historical baseline. Next, I watch the actual film and then I like to close the trilogy with the porn satire. I watched the entire David Frost interviews with Richard Nixon before I […]

His name was RICO, he wore a diamond

Came up with a brilliant new business idea, documented how it would work, then took a step back and realized I’d just described racketeering — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 9, 2013 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.