Entries by Soapy Johnson

You’ve the right to remain silent

Previously ……… The starting point: The Unemployment Chronicles, Vol. 1 —  Vol. 3  — Two days later … Got all dolled up. Went to the interview. Nicole, a 20-something entered the 5′ x 5′ room. No pictures, tan walls — an interrogation room you’d see on a cop show. Claustrophobic. She started with the customary: Can we do a background check? Have […]

Humbling makes time for tequila

Previously ……… The starting point: The Unemployment Chronicles, Vol. 1 —  Vol. 2  — A few days later … I went to a staffing agency, mainly to find out where it was, stake it out. I’m already expecting to learn that every restaurant I have my eye on isn’t even considering hiring. I picked some of the best […]

The Unemployment Chronicles, Vol. 1

It’s 2011. Two men in their 40’s seek to re-enter the workforce after years as househusbands, only to discover a lifetime has passed since their last employment and the pursuit is more difficult than originally imagined. Each chained to a wealth of debt and armed with a surprisingly narrow skill set, the lack of spark in […]

Burying Entourage

The final episode of Entourage aired Sunday night on HBO and when I say “final,” I mean exactly what Statler and Waldorf said. One of the more craptastic shows ever reputed to be quality, I’m shocked that everything worked out for all of the characters in the end — spoiler alert!! (like it matters). But face it, […]

Shrink Patient, Patient Shrink

SHRINK: Do you have any hobbies? PATIENT: Guitar. I don’t play nearly enough. SHRINK: Why is that? PATIENT: I don’t know, you tell me. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) March 29, 2012   More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson onTwitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

The Daily Horoscope

Aries: (March 21 – April 19) — Get acquainted with superiors at work. Mix business and pleasure with vodka and tonics and stroll up the corporate ladder. Find a better use for that gazebo. Taurus: (April 20 – May 20)— Urinate in public. Try something you’ve never done before or again as if it’s the first time. […]

To see the look on their faces

Materials required: One (1) plastic grocery bag Procedure: Walk down the sidewalk Stop and sniff a mailbox or two (optional) Make sure someone is watching as you approach an open plot of grass Remove pants and defecate on said plot Pull up pants Remove plastic bag from pocket Scoop contents with bag, turn bag inside out and tie […]

Place it on Lucky Dan

PLACE IT ON LUCKY DAN Sat., June 19, 2010. Meadowlands, 11th Race. It shouldn’t be any surprise the horse finished 2nd. placeitonluckydan.com/2011/05/place-… — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) April 16, 2012 The video below has been blocked by NBC Universal, not content with profits from a 40-year old film that won Best Picture and would have seemingly […]

I don’t have time to ask nicely!

**All Jack Bauer dialogue authentic and unedited, from the Fox series “24.” [Fox Studios, Culver City. Noon. Female secretary sitting at desk. Jack Bauer storms in with purpose.] Sir, you can’t go in there. “You don’t want to make me do this.” He’s not in his office, he’s on his way to a meeting. “You tell […]

Donald Trump & The Accidental Birther

Hey Lucky Dan, is Trump posing as a Republican? His voting record certainly doesn’t look conservative to me. What’s the deal with this guy? Pull back the curtain! Oh, it’s pulled. To begin, in order to understand Donald Trump, you must ask yourself three questions … Does he make shrewd business decisions and learn from […]