Entries by Soapy Johnson

Return to Hazard

@richardmarx have Siri play some Barry White, ask the maid for more towels. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) February 4, 2012 Who killed Mary? . . . . . . . . . . . . .  (the sheriff?) Who killed Siri? @richardmarx Newspaper says that Siri went out walking alone and they found her by […]

Carnac the Magnificent, 2012

CARNAC: “So easy, a caveman can do it.”ED: “So easy, a caveman can do it.”CARNAC: “Name something caveman say after fondling his gecko.” — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) April 16, 2012 More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson onTwitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

Recession fortune cookies

New fortune cookie messages have been popping up in Chinese restaurants throughout the United States and several have resulted in complaints, even calls for government action. It’s estimated that the brand of wisdom contained in 1 out of every 20 of the nation’s fortune cookies is actually foreign indoctrination designed to further discourage Americans in […]

Complementary forces in the universe

Legend has it, if Lady Antebellum and Lady Gaga enter a room at the same time, Men at Work and Men Without Hats are leaving one. — Dirk Dachs (@SoapyJohnson) December 9, 2011   More from “THE TWITTER COLLECTION …” >> Follow: @SoapyJohnson onTwitter. >> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

I thought I knew what love was

The Boys of Summer. Lyrics written by Don Henley and music composed by Don Henley and Mike Campbell Although it sounds awesome in the summer … this classic is admittedly more relevant lyrically right now. And it sounds great still. Hans Olson, October 29, 2011 Exactly. I used to crank this in college and it’s […]

Casualty of warring felines

Previously ……… The starting point: Vol. 1 — Every thought is with the kid ARCHIVES: Follow Lost kittens find their way home. Updates to follow. —  Vol. 2  — Early Sunday, Oct. 9, 2011 … I hate to say it, never trust any doctor, vet or otherwise. I research everything and I’m dumbfounded how little some of them […]

A kid gives his dad a tie …

A kid gives his dad a tie for Father’s Day. Dad says he already has a few hundred of them already and suggests giving it to someone who might need one. The kid talks a walk, sees a jogger and flags him down in the middle of the street. He gives him the tie and says “Happy […]

Back on the Chain Gang

Previously ……… The starting point: The Unemployment Chronicles, Vol. 1 —  Vol. 4  — Later that week … Third restaurant I’ve been to where I ask if they’re hiring and the manager says, “we’re always looking for experienced waitstaff.” The exact wording every time, all three places. You’d swear it’s straight from The Manchurian Candidate. I […]

Lost kittens find their way home

Every thought is with the kid —  Vol. 1  — Saturday, Oct. 8, 2011 … Started writing this last night but hit a wall, woke up on the couch and the game was over. The one game I wanted to see all week — picked it up bottom of the 7th, fell asleep in the 8th with runners […]

Chaz Bono needs to grow a pair

Chaz Bono. We need to talk. If you’re going to be a man, you need to act like one. We welcome you and couldn’t be happier to have you on our team. Maybe a bunch of us should meet up at Hooters sometime, say, Monday Night Football? They usually have a special on wings and cheap […]