Facebook post not in fashion

George Paxman  Strange night. Went to a club and some a-hole with a massive diamond earring starts flirting up one of the dancers and this really pissed off the bartender. He comes sailing across the bar and it’s on — punches flying, chairs smashing and then the idiot starts shooting — it was crazy, it happened so fast. Bartender just lying there, the girl’s freaking out. I read this morning that he died. He was dating the girl. Sad, sad story.

Becky Knight  Where were you and are you ok ?

Michael Franco  For real??!!!

Sarah Farr  omg!!! sounds like you did not go to the right bar!!!

Rick Parker  Is that what I missed by staying home?!? Glad I didn’t go. Why didn’t you call me?

Jesse Butler  oh my god. are you ok?

Jody Harris  Wow! How awful! That tops my night of eating leftover noodles and watching Basketball Wives…

Kristy Davis  Oh yeah, I heard about this…wasn’t the bartender’s name Tony something?

Jeff Bell  You must have been at the Copa . . . Copacabana. It’s the hottest spot north of Havana.

Sarah Farr  Wait, is this for real or not?

Becky Knight  You’re an asshole!!

Becky Knight  Fuck you.

Jesse Butler   Talk about crying wolf. I can’t believe you. next time you won’t have our sympathy.

Michael Franco  Good one!!

Jeff Bell  BTW, Kristy I got this one waaaaay before you did. Just seeing how long it’d take someone else to get it.

Rick Parker  You better update this in 30 years when the girl’s lost her mind, drunk and wearing the same dress she wore last night.

Kristy Davis  Sure you did, Jeff.

Copacabana Lyrics

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