WTF is this “sex rehab” shit???

Q.  Come on!  What the hell is this? If you’re a guy, you’re a sex addict. It’s genetic. If you’re famous, it’s like a kid in a candy store. Either you respect your significant other or you don’t.  Look, I don’t understand why guys like Jesse James and Tiger Woods get married in the first place? Play all you want, there’s no crime in that. Hell, look at Derek Jeter. He’s having a great time. No, problem there.

Sex addict? A male that is not a sex addict is called a woman. That’s how nature keeps things balanced. Are we all going mad? Sex addict? fffffff. 

A. I see it as more disingenuous with Jesse James than Tiger. I don’t understand it when you’re in your 40′s, you’ve already fucked your way through the porn directory and had sluts like this on your knob at any time you requested it or not. If you’re Jesse James, any Bombshell McGee-type knows instinctively they’re a just phone call away from being notified that the 20-minute countdown to ingesting your semen has officially begun. They arrive at your front door with that blow-up doll smile, two at a time with a big bottle of jack and the cocaine you ordered.

You’d fuck a girl like Bombshell McGee in your garage because she’s the type of girl you’d expect to find in a garage.

Yes, he’s a sex addict but, agreed, this is because he’s a male with a penis and the fame associated with the availability to constantly stick it inside something warm. Not sure what the 45-day rehab stint will get him other than to prove to Sandra that he’s trying to make the effort. She’s not taking him back, they say, and rightfully so because he should have gotten this shit out of his system a long time ago.

Tiger married younger and didn’t have the chance to fully engorge himself at the pussy buffet. He clearly had a completely bent desire to push the limits and we’ve grown to expect nothing less from him. The prettiest of them all is Elin and that’s the Coolidge Effect for you. I don’t see him changing, that’s just me.

I heard he has 90 bodyguards at the Masters and immediately didn’t think that was to keep people away from him as much as it was to keep Tiger from fucking random members of the gallery. The protection is for us, not him.

Yes, he shouldn’t have gotten married. But Elin’s quite the catch and what are you gonna do? He thought he could still manage both and something inside me tells me he’s just as yearning for a nice piece of strange as he was before this whole shitstorm went down.

He’s a competitor and I don’t see him turning that leaf completely. This time he’s better prepared to not get caught. He can download the Tiger App and have all his “I own that ass and want to put my dick inside it” texts deleted automatically. His actions have literally paved the way for him to live this lifestyle easier and more effectively.

Jesse should have been better prepared to keep his dick in one vagina and that’s what makes his cheating more ridiculous. They’re both older — been there, done that. And she wins an Oscar, which just makes his butt look that much dumber.

The part that’s weird about Jesse is that before he assed up publicly, nobody cared that he had a Nazi memorabilia collection. He was said to be a history buff and it was accepted because he seemed like a good guy and crafty entrepreneur despite the rough exterior. Now it’s said sarcastically – yeah right, “he’s a history buff” – so rehab is all a PR consultant has left.

Traveling to Haiti is another selfless trick he can do to prove he’s not a total infected asshole prick. That or giving CPR to Pamela Anderson on video when she’s not really dying and he’s not really administering CPR, mainly just fucking her a lot in various locations. This might be more about what got him into this situation than what will help him reframe his image but this also explains why I’m not in public relations.

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