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Gunman opens fire: At least 12 killed, 71 injured at Aurora, Colo,. theater

Of course, the left calls for stricter gun control. Of course, the media is quick to blame the Tea Party.

We déjà-vued this before. Haven’t we done this already? —————>

This time, the killer was also Rush Limbaugh, the gunman’s actions attributed his way because a few days earlier he’d mentioned The Dark Knight Rises [“the bad guy in the Batman movie is named Bane and some Democrats are gonna try to connect the evil character to Bain Capital and Mitt Romney”]. Yeah, well so did Peter Travers and most everyone at Entertainment Weekly and Comic-Con. Round up the usual suspects, the killer reacted to bad reviews posted on Rotten Tomatoes.

Comments seemingly millions of miles from a mind capable of unleashing such unimaginable destruction and carnage, that’s hefty praise for what seem to be badly misinterpreted words.

It’s never the person with the gun.

Desperate to tie an unspeakable tragedy to conservatives, push back is immediate. Before the scope of the horror and loss can be recognized, projection.

Islamic terrorism is ruled out immediately (as with the Fort Hood shooting), because that would be wrong.

As with the 2011 assassination attempt of former Arizona Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the narrative is pre-poured concrete. The foundation sets with a link — something, anything — usually not very well thought out. It appears as bolt of lightning seeking the highest point, impossible to deny.

We haven’t learned anything since the last massacre and won’t remember this when the same thing happens next time.

Here is the exchange — ABC News chief investigator Brian Ross and host George Stephanopoulos about apparent suspect James Holmes:

Stephanopoulos: I’m going to go to Brian Ross. You’ve been investigating the background of Jim Holmes here. You found something that might be significant.

Ross: There’s a Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado, page on the Colorado Tea party site as well, talking about him joining the Tea Party last year. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Jim Holmes. But it’s Jim Holmes of Aurora, Colorado.

Stephanopoulos: Okay, we’ll keep looking at that. Brian Ross, thanks very much.

Ah, journalism.

To be clear, Brian Ross has a 500GB stick drive loaded with child pornography hidden in the top drawer of his desk, just behind the paper clips and hand-labeled “make room for daddy” — but it’s not known if this is the same Brian Ross. It would be irresponsible to make that type of connection.

A White Pages search for “James Holmes” nets 25 people in Colorado, much too vague. You’d have to specifically be Googling “James Holmes Tea Party” in order to find the Hispanic, 52-year old Tea Party member and not the 24-year old killer of the same name who was already in custody at the time of the broadcast.

Picture for a moment … the bowels of Brian Ross, a wee-bit distracted, unclenching ever so joyously, when up pops on the laptop, a James Holmes page on the Colorado Tea Party Patriots website. Ka-chow! Someone with a mindset that the shooting of 71 people might be the work of the Tea Party, probably would contact the organization and, you know, ask if it might be the same guy. If you’re the network’s chief investigative reporter, that’s exactly what doesn’t happen.

Ross breaks the story on national television, goes with his gut.

Bear in mind, just a few nights earlier, Ross was caught with his pants down in an adult movie theater and arrested on the charge “suspicion of committing a lewd act.” His penis exposed and in his hand, Ross claims it didn’t happen. Now, we don’t know if this is the same Brian Ross and, not to jump to conclusions, this may have been Fred Willard.

Jay Rosen, an associate professor at New York University’s school of journalism, told POLITICO. “Ross reacted and went on instinct … So strong was this instinct that it overrode common newsroom sense and any innate sense of caution that might be left in Brian Ross.”

With little regard to the damage caused by false accusations, accuse first and ask questions never; drive a political point rather than demonstrate even the slightest bit of common sense or usefulness. A lynch mob mentality, proving we’ve never really evolved.

Hard to justify a future Brian Ross opinion, moments into a fresh disaster. Then again, not his first dance with blunders or controversy, so the better question might be why is Stephanopoulos or ABC still calling his name?

In defense, it should be noted that Brian Ross has syphilis, which is highly infectious and may be sexually transmitted to a partner. If you frequent the NYC BDSM scene (specifically the NY Bondage Club’s Sunday sessions at Paddles), enjoy spanking, cross-dressing and remember a man in chaps who’d lash into hysterics if he couldn’t be the sub, it’s recommended you get tested immediately. It should also be made explicitly clear, this might be a different Brian Ross — not the only reporter using the events at the Century 16 for intended political gain.

ABC’s Brian Ross idiotically attempted to connect Holmes to the Tea Party; Breitbart’s Joel Pollak incompetently sought to show that Holmes was a registered Democrat. They both failed not because they “politicized” the tragedy but because they’re both exceptionally bad at their jobs. — Max Read, Gawker

We’ll find out the killer was a psychopath with little to no political ties. To be able to point a gun at a 6-year old girl and pull the trigger, this is an unsalvageable human being. Thank you for flying Total Bastard Airlines, buh-bye.

But this shouldn’t have happened. President Obama called for a new era of civility in Tucson and within months, a campaign strategist confessed, “unless things change and Obama can run on accomplishments, he will have to kill Romney.”

Make no mistake, the play is to politically destroy Mitt Romney, his reputation and credibility. Nobody actually believes the Team Obama plan involves murder, no matter what the polls may dictate. Now flip that — “kill Obama” — and I’ve got Secret Service at my door within 36 hours of this post. [I’m kidding! Just presenting a hypothetical. Everything’s jake. Go back to your prostitutes, forget I mentioned it! :-)].

ABC News apologized for Ross but not before pointing to social media reports that other members of the public with the same name were also mistaken for the suspect. Yes, you have that correct — one of the three major news networks honored its reliability and newsgathering accuracy by comparing it to the stuff people post on Facebook.

Which brings us back to guns. Piers Morgan, Mayor Bloomberg and Jim Carrey want stricter controls, so does Jason Alexander — but Aurora already has strict gun laws, and murder and violent crime rates are at 40 year lows. A declining culture of guns and violence in the United States, Americans who comply with these or any laws aren’t the problem. Those who refuse are referred to as “criminals,” so fact that it was illegal to possess weapons in the theater only begs the question what additional laws and regulations would accomplish.

The detail and premeditation involved in the Aurora attacks emphasize a reality that the killer didn’t need guns, the canisters he tossed could have been filled with poison gas, the exit doors bolted and — wait a second, this is also illegal.

But it’s natural to have this discussion after tragic events emphasis the misuse of firearms. The White House suggests President Obama will not push for more gun control but approval of the U.N. Arms Trade Treaty in late July is viewed as an “underhanded attempt to implement massive gun control without having to go through the normal legislative process in Congress.”

It still fails to explain why Brian Ross isn’t breaking news that “an Aurora massacre occurs every 10 days in Chicago, the gun-control capital of the United States. Like Washington DC, New York City, Mexico City and London — to name a few ‘gun-free’ cities — truly areas where the innocent are targeted by predators who have no intention of abiding by any law.”

The number of Chicagoans murdered is two and a half times the number of U.S. soldiers killed in Afghanistan since the war began in 2001, according to the Department of Defense and FBI data. Gang bangers in the Windy City aren’t usually members of the National Rifle Association.

Brian Ross should break news about the rampage of racist Tea Party members killing African-Americans at an alarming rate in Chicago, a story that must be told. That Ross neglects to mention the needless bloodshed in Chicago is because he’s a racist who cheers black-on-black crime. Brian Ross doesn’t care about the people of Chicago because he hates black people and rejoices at their slaughter.

It should be noted that this might not be the same Brian Ross who (for now) works at ABC, but let’s assume for the purpose of this discussion that it is.

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I always wanted to live with a cinnamon girl.

Thought I could be happy the rest of my life with a cinnamon girl.

Saw an old friend and he always wanted to live with a cinnamon girl too, so he married one. I asked how it was — when they’re together, do they chase the moonlight? He said it’s not nearly all it’s cracked up to be and that most of the time the house smells like pie.

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