Barry Bonds has a head so large, Barry Bonds can barely fit inside it.

An even bigger man lies inside, lying to himself in an already substantial dome. There’s risk he explodes, the pressure to believe the numbers must be overwhelming.

Is it any wonder he played for the Giants? When Bonds throws his hat in the ring, people are at risk of injury.

Lifting his cap off the ground, legend has it, ticket holders for the Cirque Du Soleil performance being held under that spacious big top were advised the show had been moved to Cow Palace.

This man’s head is so enormous, it exceeds the size of this frame. This is not clever Photoshop, the thing legitimately will not fit. How it became so large is anyone’s guess — I’m thinking steroids. The Grand Jury will ultimately decide.

On trial for perjury, Bonds and his head pleaded not guilty to lying about using performance-enhancing drugs and face a maximum of 30 years in prison, if convicted. thinks Bonds will beat the rap but ultimately did not comment about the defendant’s oversized noggin. Federal prosecutors have dropped the number of charges from 11 to five, leading experts to suggest they’re having trouble building the case.

Small victory for the Bonds camp, the weight of the punishment did not change — so little has been done to reduce the swelling.

Whether Bonds is convicted or not, honesty is hardly ever heard. And mostly what I need from you, Barry.

Everyone needs to tip-toe around it — a roughly 20-year slice of Major League Baseball history is known as “the steroid era” and we shouldn’t we call it what it is? By this same logic, Rose McGowan unveils her latest face and we’re supposed to pretend it’s the same one she had before? We’re not idiots. It looks messed up, Rose, you went too far — and same with the record books. Thanks guys, much appreciated.

A lot of these players should have reached the Hall of Fame anyway — Bonds, Roger Clemens, Rafael Palmeiro, Manny Ramirez. If it hadn’t all unraveled, maybe Mark McGwire, Sammy Sosa?

Everyone is so untrue. When Jose Canseco becomes the great oracle of certitude, you know the game is flipped.

Roger Maris: 61 home runs in a single season. Henry Aaron: 755 career home runs — records since broken by men who, when pressed, suddenly have no idea what they put in their bodies. Bonds, who broke both these cherished records, testified that he thought he was taking flax seed oil.

Sosa topped 61 HRs three times in a four-year period and famously refused an independent drug test when a Sports Illustrated writer encouraged him to pee in a cup, responding “are you trying to get me in trouble?” McGwire finally admitted in January he was juicing the two seasons he beat Maris. The story Bonds would have you believe might be convincing had somewhere along the way of breaking two of the sexiest records in all of sports, he was heard to rave:

“Wow, OMG, flax seed oil!! Hit another 3 homers today! Awesome!! Can’t believe I’m hitting so many. Every player should do what I’m doing because it’s perfectly legal!”

In a non-doping reality, the records of Maris and Aaron have never been broken. A game which threatened “61” with “61-asterisk*” because Maris used 162 games vs. Babe Ruth’s 60 in 154 (the schedule length at the time), now shamefully boasts this as the seventh-highest single-season total. Challenged most recently in 2006 in only his second full season, Ryan Howard’s 58 HRs are in no way bestowed proper recognition, an impressive reality overshadowed by complete fantasy.

Isn’t the government wasting time and money going after a baseball player? Don’t we have bigger problems?

Most all involved in the Bonds indictment and BALCO investigation have done time, no reason to stop short of Barry or quit pulling the thread.

It’s fraud — enabled by MLB, seeking to resurrect fans after the 1994 strike. Chicks dig the long ball, we get it — we overpaid for a false product. Names like Ruth, Mantle, Mays, Foxx, Kiner replaced with Albert Belle, Greg Vaughn, Andruw Jones.

To better understand mortality, 50 home runs in a season is a pretty big deal. Aaron hit 755 career but never 50 in a single year. Ruth slugged 54 in 1920 on a purely Adam Richman diet. The feat is only reached 17 times in the next 74 years, at which point it’s brutally gang-raped and left in a drainage ditch near a service road.

Like Aaron passing Ruth’s 714 career mark, Maris goes through hell on his way to 61 in ’61. For nearly 35 years, only three players — Willie Mays, George Foster and Cecil Fielder — top 50 HRs.

Baseball strikes in 1994 and the World Series is canceled. All of a sudden, the once elusive 50-homer club is crashed 26 times in the next 13 seasons, but not since 2007 — the year Bonds is indicted.

Even more exclusive, 60 HRs a season: Ruth in 1927, then Maris. Ruth changed the game and it still took 34 years for someone to top him. It takes another 37 years to pass Maris, when it’s done SIX TIMES between 1998 and 2001. Must be the flax!

Along the way, Bret Boone goes from light-hitting table-setter to — not only Seattle’s unexpected power source — batting clean-up for the American League in the 2001 All-Star game. No more ridiculous a lightning rod to sobriety, well, maybe Brady Anderson: 50 home runs by a lead-off hitter with only 72 total in his nine previous seasons combined. A previous season high of 21, Anderson went from a homer every 46 at bats to one every 11.5.

All I want is someone to believe.

The Mitchell Report lists All-Stars and journeymen, pitchers and hitters, many who’ve admitted to cheating and those who continue to bathe us in arrogance.

Bonds never bothered with 50 or 60, vaulting from a career high 49 in 2000 to a record-setting 73 the following year. In response to the perceived magic that was the Summer of 1998, the head averaged over 51.6 HRs for five seasons while sitting out nearly 12% of games the Giants played.

And sure, load up on whatever substance you want, you still need to physically hit all these home runs against pitchers who are trying to get you out. The additives don’t make you limitless, they’re designed to repair a body from injury — allowing good players to stay in the game; great players to become exceptional and exceptional players, like Bonds, to be superhuman.

Alex Rodriquez was supposed to fix all this. A legitimate, all-natural ARod hits 800 and it’s forgotten what happened to the record books. Invasion of the Body Snatchers, they got Alex too.

Bonds will likely escape punishment and Canseco believes the trial is a complete waste of taxpayer dollars. Meanwhile, MLB prohibits all-time hits champ Pete Rose from Hall of Fame eligibility for what he did as a manager, while it’s impossible to suggest his numbers as a player aren’t 100% genuine.

In retrospect, McGwire was bright to plead the 5th in front of Congress. He still won’t go to Cooperstown but he knew when to check his bravado. Clemens — indicted on six felony counts involving perjury, false statements and obstruction of Congress; scheduled to go to trial in July — and Bonds, still bankrupt of honesty.

If you look for truthfulness, you might just as well be blind.

When they say Barry Bonds has a good head on his shoulders, they’re really complementing his shoulders. That said, there’s still opportunity for a bigger man to emerge.

Said Roger Maris: “They acted as though I was doing something wrong, poisoning the record books or something. Do you know what I have to show for 61 home runs? Nothing. Exactly nothing.”

Sosa, McGwire and Bonds removed all doubt.

>> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter.

>> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

George Paxman  Strange night. Went to a club and some a-hole with a massive diamond earring starts flirting up one of the dancers and this really pissed off the bartender. He comes sailing across the bar and it’s on — punches flying, chairs smashing and then the idiot starts shooting — it was crazy, it happened so fast. Bartender just lying there, the girl’s freaking out. I read this morning that he died. He was dating the girl. Sad, sad story.

Becky Knight  Where were you and are you ok ?

Michael Franco  For real??!!!

Sarah Farr  omg!!! sounds like you did not go to the right bar!!!

Rick Parker  Is that what I missed by staying home?!? Glad I didn’t go. Why didn’t you call me?

Jesse Butler  oh my god. are you ok?

Jody Harris  Wow! How awful! That tops my night of eating leftover noodles and watching Basketball Wives…

Kristy Davis  Oh yeah, I heard about this…wasn’t the bartender’s name Tony something?

Jeff Bell  You must have been at the Copa . . . Copacabana. It’s the hottest spot north of Havana.

Sarah Farr  Wait, is this for real or not?

Becky Knight  You’re an asshole!!

Becky Knight  Fuck you.

Jesse Butler   Talk about crying wolf. I can’t believe you. next time you won’t have our sympathy.

Michael Franco  Good one!!

Jeff Bell  BTW, Kristy I got this one waaaaay before you did. Just seeing how long it’d take someone else to get it.

Rick Parker  You better update this in 30 years when the girl’s lost her mind, drunk and wearing the same dress she wore last night.

Kristy Davis  Sure you did, Jeff.

Copacabana Lyrics

>> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter.

>> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.


>> Follow: @SoapyJohnson on Twitter.

>> Comment: Place it on Lucky Dan on Facebook.

Another Nostradamus-related WikiLeaks document drop has historians as well as the gambling public scurrying for insight into how accurate and reliable the noted French profit was as a handicapper of modern-day sporting events, many that hadn’t existed during his lifetime.

Today’s release is notable in that it contains picks for events which have not taken place.

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, stung by allegations of concealing classified documents for personal gain, is widely suspected of wagering on the 500-year old sports picks and releasing them only after events have transpired. Assange has repeatedly denied this claim, however the Swiss government last week moved to freeze any assets WikiLeaks holds in the country’s banks, this after the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (S.E.C.) traced more than $65 million in recent transfers originating from an unnamed account.

Is this release a sincere appeasement to those angered by past actions? An evasive maneuver in public relations? A trick? Are the picks legitimate? Can the latest prophecy be authenticated and interpreted correctly? Can Assange be trusted?

Questions will be answered Sunday, May 1, a notable date on the Nostradamus calendar. An otherwise random Major League Baseball game between the Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim and the Tampa Bay Rays suddenly has the eyes of history anxiously awaiting an outcome.

The 16th century physician and astrologer intentionally obscured his prophetic quatrains through the use of symbolism and metaphor, thus the predictive power behind them has been often misinterpreted or bent to suit a predetermined conclusion. This could send gamblers flocking in one of several possible payday directions, if this thought-to-have-been disregarded passage from The Prophecies is to be correctly understood.

Sources at the Las Vegas Hilton Race & Sports Book say The Prophecies, originally published in 1555, is a collection of large-scale, long-term predictions interpreted to foretell of plagues, floods, earthquakes, wars, droughts, the Great Fire of London, the rise of Adolf Hitler and Napoleon as well as the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. While hoaxes often circulate, reports these newly discovered quatrains consist of scores, gambling tips, futures and prop bets plus include crude diagrams that appear to resemble modern day racing forms.

By a length of four, a biscuit from the sea,
The conquering clash in an admiral war.
The Pimlico Prophecies

The initial WikiLeaks dump of Nostradamus sports scores, in April 2010, focused only on events prior to the start of World War II. The Wimbledon Prophecies correctly predicted a woman would win the 1922 Wimbledon Championships however Jim Feist suggests this was a virtual lock.

“Nostradamus had no way to know there’d be a woman’s bracket — in addition to the men’s — 400 years after his death,” he said. “What’s more, I’ve circled an NBA game on tonight’s card where one team has HUGE EDGES with ATS trends so while it’s great Nostradamus saw equal opportunity existing in the future, my guaranteed NBA winners will get you ready to BLAST THE BOOKS and win TONIGHT!”

Hailed by believers, gamblers worldwide ridiculed the documents. French government officials demanded a full release in order to authenticate and better quantify the historical significance.

Last July, WikiLeaks raised eyebrows by releasing documents appearing to suggest Spain would win the 2010 FIFA World Cup — this just days after the website credited a “significant angel investor” with making a hefty donation to the operation. Asked to explain the timing, Assange claimed it to be coincidental. WikiLeaks responded less than a week later by publishing 92,000 pages of U.S. military memos, further muddying the waters and shifting priorities away from these allegations.

The serpent selects from a chalice of gold,
Engraved with name of the Spanish king.
The king seeks warmth as the talent embarks,
Count the extra time down to a never land sleep.
The Vuvuzela Prophecies

Of course it was Paul the Octopus that correctly predicted the winner of each of Germany’s matches as well as the outcome of the final, Spain defeating the Netherlands 1-0 in extra time. USA Today’s Danny Sheridan pointed out that Nostradamus also predicted LeBron James signing with the Miami Heat in this quatrain and demanded an inquest into the sources Assange used to acquire the picks.

Other cables released have been determined meaningless: The Joyce DeWitt Prophecies; some proven less lyrical, such as: Prophecies of That Guy who Played “Uncle Jesse” on Full House; while last fall’s release was pointedly specific: The Prophecies of October 23, 2010 — UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez:”

An early fall champions a supreme combat crown
Cain will rise, strike down the son of Webster.
Pound the money line laying the ace in the hole,
Stay clear of Ortiz on the undercard.

Cain Velasquez scored a 1st round TKO to defeat Brock Lesnar in UFC 121. Lesner is a native of Webster, SD.

The public groundswell stirred up by yet another after-the-fact release forced calls in November for a congressional inquiry into WikiLeaks and Assange, however the issue has not been taken up on Capital Hill. A Facebook group is demanding Assange release all Nostradamus prophecies relating to sports events so that everyone may wager on the picks.

From the latest translated Nostradamus release:
Six five or six one wings of angeles cheer,
The victors of rays seek a split now in Boston.
Over patchwork slabs a parlay sparks flame,
Against the spread of darkness, daylight becomes.
The Prophecies of the Express Written Consent of Major League Baseball

Many suggest the prophecy predicts a 6-1 or 6-5 win by the Angels over the Rays and experts have questioned how the added spotlight will effect the pitching matchup of the 1:40pm start. “I wasn’t aware Nostradamus had such a firm grasp of the schedule,” MLB Commissioner Bud Selig said, adding the game may flip to 8pm prime time on ESPN if public demand supports it.

Scholars and NBA analysts suggest the plural use of “rays” refers to Ray Allen and Rajon Rondo and the “patchwork slabs” form the Celtics parquet floor, hence the reference to Boston. A columnist at suggests riding this half-millennium old tip by parlaying the Angels money line with the Celtics, assumed to be involved in Game 1 of the Eastern Conference Semifinals on or around May 1st. Adding insight to omen, Allen is 6-foot-5 and Rondo is 6′ 1″.

Lakers fans suggest on that they’re still the team from “Angeles” and any cheering will be the result of a Celtics loss on May 1. Further, they demand: 6+5+6+1=18, the number of titles in the team’s history with another this year; “the darkness” refers to the San Antonio Spurs and the flames lighting up the night will be those set in random cars surrounding the Staples Center win or lose, home or away.

Just 40 minutes south in Anaheim, the Angels are already preparing. “We’re viewing this as a must-win and plan to treat it that way,” skipper Mike Scioscia said. “I never read a lot of Nostradamus but if 500 years ago he knew enough to play for a split on the road, that’s genius. But, one game at a time.”

**UPDATE** — May 2, 1011 —Nostradamus, a winning streak

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