NOTE: This email was sent by the Marc Anthony fan club. Nine weeks later, he marries J. Lo  — this just four days after the divorce is finalized

—– Original Message —–
From: Marc Anthony
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 3:42 PM
Subject: A Personal Message from Marc Anthony

3.24.04 – A Personal Message from Marc Anthony

Let me start by saying that even having to write this letter goes against everything that I believe in, for I have always cherished and protected my privacy. That being said I find it nauseating sitting here having to address allegations and accusations at the hands of people I know. It is hard for me to accept this morbid fascination with public figures personal lives. However, in light of the recent outbreak of sensational accusations and slanderous statements I feel compelled to address certain issues in an attempt to clear things up for those I care about. This will be the first and last time I make a comment about anything having to do with my personal and private life.

First of all the specifics about my marriage and who I was with while I was separated is nobody’s business. But I would like to make clear that the fact that the demise of my marriage is being blamed on infidelity is laughable. It should be said that I did everything to make my marriage work expressly for my children and in the name of family. And I find it hurtful that it has been portrayed otherwise. The decision to break up had nothing to do with anyone or any other situation. It was about 2 people coming to terms with compatibility issues. As my ex wife has said “we are better off as friends.” Boring right? But that doesn’t get you on prime time television.

I must say that I was surprised and hurt by those who chose to go public in the name of self serving agendas. I can only see that it was purposely intended to sway public opinion and garner sympathy for reasons I will never understand because the parties involved know exactly what happened.

Second of all, the fact that Jennifer Lopez has been unjustly dragged in to this is wrong. In no way, shape or form did she have anything to do with the rupture of my marriage. I want to make that 100% clear. The statements that were made alluding to this fact were misleading and malicious and were intended to be so. This was a blatant exploitation and use of someone’s name to attract publicity.

Then there is the accusation that I fathered an illegitimate child. I think we all know what that was about. The accusation has since been proven 100% unfounded based on DNA tests; however the damage has been done. For those that stood by me and supported me I simply thank you.

I know my story, I know what happened. And though there are things I might have done differently I stand by every decision I have ever made simply because I know the truth. I have never claimed to be perfect and I advise you to be leery of those who try to portray themselves as such. I will continue to fight to preserve my privacy. I feel terrible that I have to address this in this manner, but enough is enough. What I choose to do with my personal life from now on, though being a public figure, will absolutely not be for public consumption. Though I still do not feel that I should’ve had to make this statement, I feel like I owed it to my fans, friends and family who have all been needlessly hurt by all of this.



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—– Original Message —–
To: Marc Anthony
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2004 4:46 PM
Subject: Re: A Personal Message from Marc Anthony

Dear Mark,

Thanks for keeping me caught up. Wow, seems like a lot is going on for you right now. Hang in there and I know it will be fine. We’re all pulling for you! As for me, I have a lot on my plate too. I have to get dinner ready by 7 pm and have a ton of work to do between then and now. I don’t know where I’ll find the time. After dinner, it’s right back to work again but c’est la vie (as you say in your wonderful country). I’ll probably be up really late tonight so if you still want to talk, I’ll be online. Someday I’ll catch you up on some of the problems I’ve gotten myself messed up in but until then I’ll just have to suck it up and deal with the decisions I’ve made.

Well, duty calls but we’ll talk later. Email me later tonight if you want to chat.

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